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The Therapy Process

It's Different for Everyone

People come into therapy for a wide range and a variety of reasons. It’s best to begin therapy with goals and intentions of what you’re looking to heal and work on. Even with that being said, no two people with even the same intentions have the same process. Just like we all are unique, so is our therapy journey

Finding What Works for You

Once we are aware of what you’re looking to heal and work on within yourself, we will come up with a treatment plan that is personalized and catered toward achieving your needs and goals. Not everything we try will resonate, but don’t let that discourage you. Sometimes the process requires trial and error

Working Together to Reach Your Goals

No therapist is here to solve your problems or “heal” you. Therapy is a team effort where we both work together toward achieving the version of yourself you’re looking to become. The process can be emotionally taxing or intense at times but it’s important to trust in the process and your relationship with your therapist

Individual therapy

Individual therapy is a joint process between a therapist and an individual person in therapy. Common goals of therapy can be to inspire change or improve quality of life. People may seek therapy for help with issues that are hard to face alone. Individual therapy is also called therapy, psychotherapy, psychosocial therapy, talk therapy, and counseling. Individual therapy can help people overcome obstacles to their well-being. It can increase positive feelings, such as compassion and self-esteem. People in therapy can learn skills for handling difficult situations, making healthy decisions, and reaching personal goals. Many find they enjoy the therapeutic journey of becoming more self-aware and how it can impact and benefit their lives. Some people even go to ongoing therapy for self-growth and validation. This therapy is offered for individuals looking to put in the time and effort to work on themselves

Couples Counseling

We all know due to our own experiences that romantic relationships can be very hard work. Like cars and other machines, they require regular maintenance to keep them running well. If there is a problem, it’s best to have it repaired right away to avoid further complications down the road. Often we can do some of the basic maintenance and repairs ourselves, while other times, despite our best efforts, we may need to rely on a professional to take a look and give us a hand. It is interesting how easily and quickly we take such steps to repair or prevent damage to our vehicles. But when it comes to our relationships, we often avoid taking action until the situation has become much more serious or even toxic. Couples therapy is a type of psychotherapy in which a therapist helps two people involved in a romantic relationship gain insight into their relationship, resolve conflict and improve relationship satisfaction for both parties utilizing a variety of therapeutic interventions. The therapist will focus on a specific problem, treat the relationship itself rather than the individuals, is solution-focused, and will provide clear treatment objectives

The benefits of

Online Therapy

Online therapy involves providing mental health services and support over the internet. Our online therapy is provided via Doxy, a HIPAA compliant video conferencing application that requires no downloading. While online therapy may seemingly have it’s limitations, it is quickly becoming an important part of therapy services around the globe, especially during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic. There are a number of reasons why a person might choose an online therapy option, including the convenience of doing therapy in the comfort of your home, the ability to access your therapist from wherever you or they may be in the world (especially if you’re one who enjoys traveling) and receiving therapy during the COVID-19 pandemic. Having to drive long distances and take significant time out of a busy schedule to seek therapy can be a burden on many people in need of help. If you have reliable internet access, online therapy gives you relatively quick and easy access to treatment that might not have been so readily available to you otherwise

Concerns & Questions

Often times within our own life difficulties, it can be really challenging to see the bigger picture and to zoom out from relationship struggles. Even therapists aren’t exempt from this. Psychotherapists are trained to deal with your relationship troubles, not only in how relationship dynamics work but also in some helpful tools and techniques for you to work on individually or as a couple depending on the type of therapy you are doing

The differences between having a conversation with a friend and having therapy are that a therapist will hear your story and offer you support based on identifying an outcome that’s right for you. A friend may offer you support based on what they would do if it were them in your position. A therapist won’t interrupt your flow or judge you like friends might and is trained to deal with a variety of issues that may be presented and some coping mechanisms. Psychotherapists can provide an objective perspective since they are someone who is not inside your personal life

There are so many therapists and countless types of therapy to choose from. Some therapists specialize only in talk therapy and don’t provide clients with tangible tools to help them in their everyday life. It’s important to try out different styles of therapy and different therapists until you find one that resonates the most with you. Just like dating, it can take time to find someone that you resonate with and feel safe exploring your mind with. Sometimes unintentionally, we can be closed off to healing and if you do resonate with your therapist and their approach, this could be a sign of your lack of open-heartedness

Therapy can take anywhere between weeks, months, or years depending on your goals and intentions and the approaches of therapy used. Since I focus mainly on EMDR therapy and fragment healing work. EMDR therapy specifically can take anywhere between 5-25 sessions and for those it works on and resonates with, it can provide life-changing results in a very short period of time find one that resonates the most with you. Just like dating, it can take time to find someone that you resonate with and feel safe exploring your mind with. Sometimes unintentionally, we can be closed off to healing and if you do resonate with your therapist and their approach, this could be a sign of your lack of open-heartedness

How can Psychotherapy Help Me?

Psychotherapy has been used to treat a range of mental health difficulties, from depression and anxiety to phobias. Loren’s eclectic approach to therapy is very person-centred and combines elements of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), dialectical behavioural therapy (DBT), mindfulness, hypnosis, EFT Tapping, communication coaching and EMDR. which aims to help you to understand how the thoughts, feelings, and behaviour that you experience in your life are connected to your unconscious mind. This knowledge can be used to help you see the connections between your thoughts, feelings, body sensations, negative beliefs and behaviours and how they affect your life.

It can help you to change these thoughts, feelings, behaviours and negative beliefs about yourself so that they are more in line with how you deserve to feel. Psychotherapy can help you to make changes in your life in line with your true values and beliefs. It can help you to become more honest, more compassionate, more open, and happy. Therapy can help people build their self-esteem and learn how to deal with their problems. Therapists can help people find a way to deal with their issues (which we all have) in a way that is helpful to themselves, their family and their friends. The psychotherapist can help you explore your own feelings and thoughts about yourself, your past, and your future. They may ask you questions to help you explore your thoughts and feelings, and help you develop new ways of thinking about your life and the problems in it. This approach to therapy can help you build self-confidence and self-esteem, learn to accept yourself for who you are and work through your feelings and problems. Psychotherapy will work best for you if you are willing to explore your feelings and thoughts in a way that allows you to work through the issues at hand, in a way that is helpful to you. Be ready to talk about anything you want to talk about, even things you would prefer not to talk about since these are the things that are most important to discuss with a therapist.